Monday, January 21, 2008

Three Powdered Doughnuts I, Oil on Linen, 23 3/4 x 32 1/2

Nanda Palmieri

Shawn Kenney

Melanie Cossey

Till Nowak
Veggie Alien

Adriaen Coorte

Adriaen Coorte's asparagus

"Lemons" 2007  Jos van Riswick
"Still Life with 17th C Bottle" 2007

"Still Life with Five Objects" 2005 Luc Benard

"The Devil You Know" 2005  Chris Peters

"Still Life witt Quince" 1885 Paul Cezanne

"Still Life Under a Lamp" 1963 Picasso

"Three Sunflowers and a Bottle of Water" 1995 David Hockney
"Antheriums" 1995
"The Chair" 1985
"Sunflowers" 1889  Van Gogh
"Still Life with Absinthe" 1887
Still Life with Absinthe by Vincent van Gogh

"Grey Still Life" Rose Hilton

Georgio Morandi
Giorgio Morandi Natura Morta

"Fruits of the Forest Crumble" 2007  Christine Gray
"Stick in the Mud "2007  Christine Gray

"Red Drip" 2007 Christine Gray

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Homage Painting

Visit the links to the great museums on the right. Discover artists whose work you love. Use these links as a spring board to determine what painting or painter you would like to learn from. After you have an idea of the type of painting you would like to study visit the public library or purchase postcards from the VMFA to identify several reproductions of paintings that you could work from.

Additional resources:
Art Calendars
Art Monographs (usually inexpensive books which include the "top 30" works of an artists' career
  (best sources: Borders, Barnes and Noble, Chop Suey Books)
Post Card Collections
Art Magazines
Art Broshures

Before the advent of art schools young painters would copiously study and copy each other's work, hence the replication of themes and similar paintings throughout art history. Visit this link to see Leonard's copy of a Michelangelo and this one to see the original version.

Here a student has copied a still life from a museum in his hometown. This is the original.

You may choose a painting that is contemporary or from a different culture - just make sure it is a painting - not an etching, silkscreen, watercolor or other media. Choose what you really like and would want to live with or give as a gift. I will help you determine which of the reproductions you bring in will challenge you, but not overwhelm you!

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Amie Oliver was awarded an MFA from Bowling Green State University (Ohio). She moved to Virginia from New Orleans to teach in higher education in the late 80's. Her work is included in numerous public and private collections and has presented solo exhibitions in galleries from Maine to Florida on the east coast and from Berkeley, CA through to the Mid-Atlantic and abroad. For more information on Oliver's painting and drawings you can visit this link or her website at